CJ Penn's Online Writing Hangout

The reason I write: To promote Christian truth and help Jesus get His Christianity back.

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“We Called Him Yeshua,” FREE ebook promo ending soon

What was it like to know Jesus as those who followed Him on the roads of ancient Israel? Read this story and you may find out. Get it now while the ebook is free. This free promotion ends midnight, Thursday, September 9th.

Amazon 9-7-21Click here to go to the Amazon book page to check it out. And please recommend this to friends, while it’s still free.

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“We Called Him Yeshua,” Now FREE on Amazon

Is reality getting you down … again? Try escaping for a time to another reality. Within the pages of We Called Him Yeshua, you can join those who walked with Jesus on the roads of ancient Israel. Follow them as they follow Him. Experience what they experienced, feel what they felt. It can be almost as if you were there.

3D cover 1 croppedStarting today, the ebook is FREE on Amazon for a limited time. Click here to go to the Amazon book page to check it out. And please recommend this to friends, while the ebook is still free.

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A Friend for Easter, and Beyond

“We Called Him Yeshua” will take you down the road leading to that first Easter Sunday. By seeing through the eyes of hopeful people who followed Jesus on that road, you might feel yourself drawn into their world, walking with them, seeing what they saw, feeling what they felt. And, you will see a side of Jesus that you share, His human side. They called Him Yeshua, and friend—by sharing in their experiences, you too may come to call Him friend.

But Jesus wants more than a casual friendship. Jesus wants to share His life with you. And, He wants you to share your life with Him. Yet as with any relationship, to share our life with someone, we need to know them on a level that’s deeper than a casual friendship, far deeper. “We Called Him Yeshua” may take you there.

In honor of Easter, the Kindle version is FREE on Amazon from Sunday March 28, to midnight Thursday, April 1.

Please recommend this to friends, while it’s still free.

(click here to go to Amazon book page)

Free promo 3-21 #1

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“We Called Him Yeshua” FREE on Amazon

Hello there everyone,

It’s been almost a year since I published my first novel, We Called Him Yeshua. To celebrate that, I’m having a promotion where the Kindle version is FREE on Amazon from today until midnight Wednesday, March 10th.

If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to follow Jesus as he traveled the roads of ancient Israel, this might be a great story for you. In it, you will see Jesus through the eyes of people who followed him on his final journey to Jerusalem.

Also, if you know anyone who might enjoy this book, now would be a great time to refer them to it. Maybe you could share this post on your social-media-of-choice, or even email this to a friend (see buttons below).

Finally, if you would like to leave a review or just a star rating on Amazon, that would be terrific. I’m especially grateful to hear what readers think of the book. Feedback can help me make my next book better.

(Click here to go to Amazon page)

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend.

All the best,


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I Give You Love, I Hope

It’s not much, but it’s all I have to give you. And this Christmas, more than any other in my life, I think giving is more important than ever, much more important than receiving.

All I have to give you is an ebook—not much really. But I think the most important gifts anyone can give this year are more than books or anything else we can hold in our hands. The most important gifts are things like kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and love.

My hope is that my little gift of this book may blossom into a more intimate relationship with Jesus, where you truly feel His love. My hope is that I’m giving you love.

And for reasons maybe none of us can anticipate, I hope you have a Christmas that, though maybe stained with sorrow, is also filled with unexpected joy, a joy you can carry with you as we all stumble into the next year.

To receive the gift I give to you, please go to the Amazon page and download the Kindle book. It will remain free only through the end of today.

Click here to go to Amazon book page.

And maybe you too can give this book as a Christmas gift. To help, I’ll keep the price as low as Amazon will allow until the end of December.




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FREE Book, My Christmas Gift to You

In honor of Christmas, a Christmas in which we all need as much peace and joy as we can get, I’d like to give you a copy of my book. This weekend, December 12th and 13th, the ebook of my novel “We Called Him Yeshua” is FREE on Amazon.

So why should you get this book, other than the fact that it’s a free gift? Well, from Amazon customer reviews:

  • “It seemed like I was reading personal diaries of some of the people that Jesus lived with and miraculously changed.”
  • “I found myself really enjoying this because it was real. It wasn’t preaching at me, it was telling me story in a very real and human way.”
  • “C.J. Penn walks us through what it might be like to meet Jesus in our everyday lives.”
  • “I appreciate how the author shows you the compassion, humbleness and gentleness of Jesus as he interacted lovingly with messy people.”

And hey, this book might make a good Christmas gift. To help, I’ll keep the price as low as Amazon will allow until the end of December. Plus, the ebook is FREE this weekend.

Please check it out. Click here to go to Amazon book page.

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An Easy Way to Get to Know Jesus

We Called Him Yeshua, FREE on Amazon, today only.

If you have an interest in learning about the person Jesus Christ, or if you know a little about him but you’re curious to know more, or if you know him well and would like to know him more, the story in the novel We Called Him Yeshua will give you a good ground-level perspective of Jesus. You will see him through the eyes of people whom Jesus healed and showed compassion to.

Where some books about Jesus might feel dry to you and hard to read, We Called Him Yeshua is a novel, a story, not a history book. And like most novels, it might capture your interest in the characters and give you the desire to follow them and see what happens to them.

And hey! Today the Kindle version is FREE on Amazon. Also, the paperback is priced as low as Amazon will allow. But the FREE Kindle is for today only. So even if you’re not certain about the book, just get it while it’s free. You can decide later if you want to read it or not.


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ebook FREE, One More Day

Today, Sunday October 11th, is the last day to get “We Called Him Yeshua” for FREE on Amazon (though it may be offered for free again sometime in the future).

If you could use a good distraction from all the noise and stress of 2020, then grab this book and let it take back to the past. You will find yourself following Jesus as he walks his final journey on the dusty road to Jerusalem. You will get to know, and maybe become friends with, others who followed him, people whom Jesus healed (both body and mind). And in this way, you may see Jesus as you’ve never seen him before.

You can get your free ebook on Amazon today. Also, the price of the paperback has been reduced another 20% from its already reduced price.

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FREE Book = FREE Distraction

The angry news comes at us from all directions. It feels especially so in the United States right now (no need to say more about that).

At times like these, I need a distraction. And figuring you might need a good distraciton too, I’ve made the ebook of my novel, “We Called Him Yeshua,” FREE for this weekend. I also dropped the price of the paperback 20% from its already reduced price.

So go to Amazon now, get your free distraction, and take a break from what’s happening outside your door.

Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/We-Called-Him-Yeshua-Penn-ebook/dp/B0867BYTF7/