CJ Penn's Online Writing Hangout

The reason I write: To promote Christian truth and help Jesus get His Christianity back.

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My Daily Filling … of God

Christ who lives in meIt begins or ends with sleep. I mean, my daily connection with God. Sleep has become a weird experience for me. There’s no control of my thoughts, almost never a thought of God. Though my body’s asleep, my mind seems to never stop. One strange dream after another. It feels like a waste of time. Since my mind’s going to stay active anyway, why couldn’t it instead be with God and Jesus in heaven, resting in their presence, getting ready for the next day?

But this morning it occurred to me that, where it feels like my soul empties itself of God’s presence during my dream-filled sleep, each morning with my coffee cup warming my hands and my eyes closed, I feel myself open up to God, like opening a valve. And then, with my heart and soul again fully open, God pours His Spirit into me.

So, my preparation for each day isn’t found in the rest of a sleepful night. But rather in the quieting and opening of my soul each morning, where I empty myself of self to make room for God. And the best days are when I open and empty myself enough to truly let God be all within me, so I can then say with Paul, “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20).

I no longer look upon sleep as a waste of time, which I know is a strange thing to say. For me, sleep now presents the opportunity to show my love and commitment to God each morning.


The Power of the Spirit

Holy Spirit

Where the words within the bible speak to your mind, the Holy Spirit within you speaks to your heart and soul. Where the words in the bible will point you to God, and help you know about God and Jesus, the Holy Spirit within you will help you know God and Jesus. The words have no power, only direction. The power to make the words real in your life comes from the Holy Spirit, within you.

I’m re-reading a book by William Law, “The Power of the Spirit.” Law is reminding me that true Christianity is not about memorizing bible verses or following religious practices and tradition. True Christianity is all about an intimate relationship with the Spirit of Jesus, within you.

Please, look beyond the words, to the Holy Spirit within you.