CJ Penn's Online Writing Hangout

The reason I write: To promote Christian truth and help Jesus get His Christianity back.

Jesus Wants His Christianity Back


Christianity appears to be dying in the US, the war is nearly lost. The manmade (per)version has nearly won. Yet with its rise, it will soon fall, for it hasn’t the strength to stand as Jesus’ Christianity has stood for the last 2000 years. And with the looming death of manmade Christianity and the void left behind, maybe there can be a revival of Jesus’ true Christianity.

Yes, what is often seen and experienced is not true Christianity, but rather the 2000-year accumulation of human influence and human nature. I’ve felt the weight of those 2000 years of manmade baggage. I first noticed it at the so-called Christian church I was once a member of. I now see it in my news feed almost every day.

Colossians 2-8But I escaped captivity to false Christianity. I quit that church I’d attended, and found freedom in the truth. Yet like I once was, many people are prisoners in this war for Christianity, mostly unaware of their confinement. They’re held captive to false ideas about what it means to be Christian.

It’s time for a truth revival. For a long time, Christianity has relied on worldly methods and manmade doctrine. It’s time to rely on God and His truth. Then, as Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

So, until I’m reassigned, I’m on a mission to help Jesus in His efforts to win His Christianity back. Anyone want to join me? My future posts will all be in support of the mission. Until next time …

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)

Author: CJ Penn

First, my writing isn't about me. Don’t want the attention, don’t want to feed my ravenous ego (yep, I’m just a typical pride-plagued human). But I love writing - it gets me out of bed when it's way too dark, just so I can do some writing before heading off to work. I write because I’m passionate about God, Jesus, His Spirit, and His truth. And, I feel the Holy Spirit gets shortchanged in the world we call Christianity. The truth is sometimes lacking too.

2 thoughts on “Jesus Wants His Christianity Back

  1. I will glady join you on your misson! Back to the basics!


    • Hi Kasi,
      Thank you so much for your comment. It makes me happy, and helps feed my sense of hope. For me, it’s really exciting to be on Jesus’ side of this struggle.
      By the way, I’ve written a book about my experiences searching for the truth of Christianity (after deciding that what I’d experienced in church couldn’t have been true Christianity). On my journey, that I write about in my book, I indeed found true Christianity. But I found a lot more, mainly about myself. I think the book offers the same things to anyone who reads it. My primary target audience for the book are dechurched Christians, people like me who no longer attend church, but still have faith in God and Jesus. My hope is that the book will help heal wounds inflicted by churches and overzealous Christians. And maybe also convince more people to join the effort to help Jesus win His Christianity back.
      Anyway, my book is now with my editor for a first round of editing. After I incorporate changes from those edits, I plan to offer the book to people who are interested in being what I call an early reader, reading the pre-published version of the book. I’m hoping that early readers will be willing to provide feedback that may help me make improvements for the final draft that gets published. Do you think you might be interested? If so, once the book is ready I could send you a pdf copy.
      Thanks a lot and take care,


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