CJ Penn's Online Writing Hangout

The reason I write: To promote Christian truth and help Jesus get His Christianity back.

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Writing the Fruit of the Spirit

As a Christian author in my writing for God and Jesus, if I do it right my written fruit is not for me—I’m just the branch. What I write, the fruit I grow, is for feeding and nourishing those who pick it up and read it. And only when the fruit is ripe should I release it and let it fall into the hands of readers.

As Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Is your writing ripe yetOh sure, I’ve released lots of fruit while it was still green. I’m not a qualified gardener to determine when the fruit is ripe. Only God can do that. That’s why I try to wait for God to tell me when a blog item is ready to post, or a book manuscript is ready to submit to the next stage of the publishing process.

Here’s another way to look at it. If God inspired whatever I’m writing, God should be the only one to give final approval for publishing the final draft. And hearing the message of God’s approval requires me to step away from the world around me, flush the noise from my mind, and quietly listen. With the Spirit of Jesus within me—you in me and I in you—I’ll be able to hear if He wants me to let the fruit go, or work on it more until it’s ripe.

One final thought on this fruit topic. The fruit of the flesh is flesh, with all its inherent flaws and weaknesses. The fruit of the Spirit is Spirit, with all its blessings and heavenly power. May all our writings be fruit of the Spirit.

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We Called Him Yeshua

I’ve just revised my book description on Amazon. I think it’s better than it used to be. I’ve copied it below. Also, I’m keeping the price of the ebook and paperback as low as Amazon will allow. I’m not looking to make money with this book–I just want to make it available to as many people as possible. Especially during these tough times when so many people are out of work, I wish I could give these away for free. Anyway, please let me know what you think of the revised book description and my pricing strategy. Thank you, and I hope you have a really nice day.


Oh, she’d heard about him. The name Yeshua had dominated many whispered conversations in the towns and villages around the Galilee. And if the rumors were true, Anna knew to stay away from him, far away. She knew his type, and she didn’t need the scorn. But then it happened, she couldn’t stop it, and Anna’s life changed forever. She saw the change coming, and worried—was it change for better, or worse?

Listen to Anna and others tell you about their experiences with Yeshua as they all follow him down that dusty road to Jerusalem. Hear Neri describe what it was like when Yeshua healed him of leprosy, or Timaeus tell you about being able to see for the first time in his life, and then Anna, as she falls deeper in love with Yeshua. She doesn’t care about his divinity—all she cares for is his humanity. Yet as her love grows, so grows her fear.

You know him by his Greek name, as Jesus Christ. They knew him by his Hebrew name. Read their stories and experience what it was like to walk with Yeshua, to talk with him, and to feel his love, courage, and humility.

What readers have said (from Amazon reviews):

  • “I really enjoyed reading this book as it brought the characters of the Bible to life. It seemed like I was reading personal diaries of some of the people that Jesus lived with and miraculously changed.”
  • “I found myself really enjoying this because it was real. It wasn’t preaching at me, it was telling me story in a very real and human way. I could relate to it.”
  • “I appreciate how the author shows you the compassion, humbleness and gentleness of Jesus as he interacted lovingly with messy people.”
  • “Great talent this writer has to put you in the story.”
  • “I think this book is a great read for people curious about God and Jesus, and offers a glimpse into Jesus’ true nature.”
  • We Called Him Yeshua is subtle and deep at the same time, making for a truly enjoyable and enlightening experience.”

(Link to Amazon page)


My Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

I’ve been working on refining the description of the book I’m writing. I think it’s about time – I’ve been working on this thing for almost seven years, and I tend to awkwardly stumble to an answer when people ask what the book is about. Lately I’ve been working on the elevator pitch; the briefest of descriptions. Here’s what I have so far, maybe for an elevator ride of about five floors.

Book title: His Truth Will Set You Free; knocking down the prison walls of manmade religion.

Pitch: The manmade false ideas that pollute Christianity are like large stones in a prison wall, mortared together by pride and greed, holding captive unwary believers and barricading those seeking answers. This book demolishes the prison walls of false messages with the mighty truth of Jesus Christ.

I’m curious; based on that brief description, would you read such a book?


A Big Step for Me

big step

Six years! That’s how long, so far, I’ve been working on writing my first book. And finally, it’s about ready to publish. Friends ask me if it’s finished. I say yes, but it never feels finished. I feel I could forever tinker with it. But for now, the tinkering is over. I believe God is telling me to jump out of my boat and take the next big step in this journey with Him… start submitting the book to publishers.

I could self-publish of course. That would be easy. But there’s not much about this six year journey that has been easy for me, so why start now. And besides, something tells me God wants me to first try traditional publishing.

So the first thing I’m going to do is submit a proposal through the Christian Manuscript Submission (CMS) website. It seems like a cool way to get the book proposal in front of many different publishers.

Do any of you have experience with CMS? I could really use some advice.

Thanks, and I hope you all have a great day. CJ