CJ Penn's Online Writing Hangout

The reason I write: To promote Christian truth and help Jesus get His Christianity back.

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Jesus Isn’t a Politician

I stumbled across a recent Washington Post article titled, Christian nationalism is shaping a Pa. primary — and a GOP shift. The article’s about Doug Mastriano who’s running for governor of Pennsylvania, and who’s pushing for Christian control of US politics.

In referring to a campaign rally for Mastriano, the article states that Rick Crump told Mastriano’s supporters at the rally, “Pastors are using common excuses: ‘Oh, we’re not supposed to be involved in politics.’ If that’s the way your church is, you’re in the wrong church.”

Seriously? Is that what Jesus would have said? I thought Christianity is supposed to be about all things spiritual, all things Godly—not all things worldly, all things political. But I get it; it’s hard not to be worldly since the world is where we live. Yet Christians are called to be different. Now consider this: for those whose idea of church is a politically active church, if their idea of Christianity is Christian nationalism, then they’re not Jesus’ idea of a Christian. They’re Christian in name only.

But don’t worry. Even though many so-called Christians appear to have given up on Jesus in favor of politics, He won’t give up on them.

Read Jesus’ story about the prodigal son. The welcome home the father gave the son in Jesus’ story is the kind of welcome Jesus will give those who leave a manmade political church for a true Jesus-centered church. Jesus calls us all to abandon the worldly, abandon politics, and return home to Him.

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Politics From the Pulpit

Churches are now free to speak out on political issues. What do you think of this? Is it good, bad, or are you indifferent to it? In addition to being very curious about your opinion, of course I’d like to share my opinion.

I think as time goes on, this new freedom for churches will produce more harm than good. It gives churches one more excuse to preach something other than what they should be preaching. Many churches have already drifted away from the purpose intended by their founder. Yes, that would be Jesus.

Did Jesus talk politics? Nope. He preached about higher things, things that touch the human soul. I think churches should follow their leader, not politics.

But that’s just my opinion. What do you think? Please share, if you like.

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Political Nightmare

Does the future of the United States look crazy to you? Is this presidential election cycle twisting your mind into knots?

If you are a Trump supporter, is your enthusiasm for Trump at least partly a reaction to how messed up the current political establishment is? Is this your way of screaming into the face of the establishment and saying, “I’m tired, and I don’t want to take it any more.”?

If you are anti-Trump, are you growing fearful that a person with his qualities might actually end up being president of the United States?

No matter what side you’re on, are you looking for an escape from your uneasy feelings? Are you looking for a way to cope with the craziness that seems to surround you?

All I can offer is what works for me. The world is a messed up place, and the mess comes from our natural human ego, selfishness, greed, etc. I’ll lump these terms and more into the plague that infects all humanity – pride. Natural human pride is the muck that messes up the world we live in. And the only way to cope with this mess is by looking away from the world, and focusing more on Jesus.

Pry your thoughts away from this crazy world, and instead peer deep inside yourself, down into your soul. That’s where the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus lives. The more you stare at the Spirit of Jesus within you, the more peace you will feel. And the messiness will fad away.

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Is Democracy Dead in California?

…YES, if the California “democratic” legislature has its way. According to a recent article in the local newspaper, California Democratic legislatures have submitted a brief to the state Supreme Court, requesting that Proposition 8 be “tossed out.”

The people voted, and the majority said they are in favor of Proposition 8. But apparently our elected officials do not want to pay attention to the majority. The majority votes, but the minority rules? Is that what democracy is all about? It may be mundane, but I decided to check the dictionary…

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines “democracy” as:

“a: government by the people ; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections”

In California the election may be free, but the outcome is not. And this proposal to overturn Proposition 8 is not the first time California elected officials have ignored the democratic process and overruled the will of the majority. And it won’t be the last, I suspect.

Where is this headed? If elected officials can get away with ignoring the will of the majority, what is the point in voting? What’s happening to our civil rights?

Democracy is the foundation of our constitution. Many in the California legislature are in direct violation of our constitutional rights. In an effort to stir up some comments, try this on for size: to those in the California senate and congress who signed the brief requesting that the state Supreme Court overturn democracy, I say; you should be charged with treason!

On this blog, I normally try to stay away from politics, unless it’s a topic that is also directly related to Christianity in some way. But when I see democracy being threatened, I just cannot stay quiet. I hope you also feel the need to speak up. Our freedom is in jeopardy.


The Blindness of Extremism

Extremist see so little; only what they want to see. I thought about this as I watched the final presidential debate last night, and was reminded again when I got to work this morning.

I saw in the debate views on both sides that I liked and agreed with. On the other hand, friends at work this morning greeted me with total praise for every word that came out of Obama’s mouth, and condemnation for every word uttered by McCain. Things just aren’t that black and white for me (no pun intended). I believe that every person, no matter how “different” they may be, has opinions that can be valued and accepted by others.

Yet extremism blinds people to the worth of others who are “different” from themselves. I believe the fundamental makeup of the extremist is that they are not willing to even consider the views of others. This goes for political extremists, environmental extremists, religious extremists; you name it.

Referring back to the types of topics I typically write about, here are a couple of examples of religious extremists:

  • The members of the Topeka, Kansas church who loudly proclaim that God hates everyone except for them. They apparently read the bible looking only for things that support their view. If they come across something that is in conflict with their views, perhaps they ignore it or simply spin it.
  • Those who believe that God does not consider homosexuality a sin. Based on what these people have to say, it appears they read the bible in the same way as the “haters”, or maybe they don’t read the bible at all.

What these two groups have in common (other than how they read the bible), is that they are blinded by their extreme views; unwilling to even consider evidence that is in conflict with their beliefs.

Extremists don’t always stand out like the radical Obama supporters where I work, or the religious nuts who carry signs saying “God hates you”, or the suicide bombers in the Middle East. We all may be blinded by our own extreme views and beliefs. Think about it; where are your blind spots?